Ortho Physical Therapy Solutions

Now offering In Office Appointments to serve you better! Located at: 303 E. Charles St. Suite 102, La Plata, MD 20646.

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telehealth physical therapy
Untitled (500 × 500 Px)

We offer telehealth appointments

Getting started is easy. Simply book a FREE 15-minute consultation to discuss your personalized physical therapy and wellness needs.

How Does Telehealth Physical Therapy Work?

Also know as virtual physical therapy, it refers to physical therapy services that are provided over a technology platform, rather than by in-person means.

If you live in the state of MD or VA, you qualify for our Telehealth services.

Telehealth allows our providers to extend their services beyond geographical constraints. They can provide consultations, assessments, and follow-up appointments to clients who are unable to meet in person due to distance or scheduling conflicts. This flexibility enables therapists to serve a wider client base and accommodate diverse needs.

After an initial in-person assessment, follow-up appointments can be conducted via telehealth. This convenience encourages patients to stay engaged with their treatment, leading to better outcomes.

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